
FARMSAR: Fixing AgRicultural Mislabels Using Sentinel-1 Time Series and AutoencodeRs

This paper aims to quantify the errors in the provided agricultural crop types, estimate the possible error rate in the available dataset, and propose a correction strategy. This quantification could establish a confidence criterion useful for …

EUSAR 2022: 14th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar

We apply an unsupervised learning methodology to project SAR Time Series of growing rice fields onto a 3-dimensional space, where we explicit differences between the fields. The projection method used is a Convolutional Autoencoder, trained using a …

Modelling of agricultural SAR Time Series using Convolutional Autoencoder for the extraction of harvesting practices of rice fields

We apply an unsupervised learning methodology to project SAR Time Series of growing rice fields onto a 3-dimensional space, where we explicit differences between the fields. The projection method used is a Convolutional Autoencoder, trained using a …

Beets or Cotton? Blind Extraction of Fine Agricultural Classes Using a Convolutional Autoencoder Applied to Temporal SAR Signatures

We present a fully unsupervised learning pipeline, which involves both a projection method and a clustering algorithm dedicated to the pixel-wise classification of multitemporal SAR images. We design a Convolutional Autoencoder as the method to …